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Roses of Redoubt: Portrait of a community


Inspired by the book ‘Les Roses’ published between 1817-24 that contained exquisite stipple engravings by Belgian artist Pierre-Joseph Redoute, this project brings together 169 photographic ‘portraits’ of roses (40 of which are shown in the Full Frontal: Back to Nature exhibition) collected from gardens in the Redoubt area of Eastbourne.

The area is named after the fortress on the seafront built in1805. Redoubt and Redoute have the same meaning of ‘formidable’ or ‘stronghold’.

Elizabeth says, "UK communities have recently experienced a lot of disruptive tensions caused by the political climate - heightened by the drive of the media and social media, creating an inflammatory and divisive culture. Because of this I wanted to create a project that talked positively about what we have in common. Togetherness and friendship, tolerance and compassion helps create a strong community.  Roses, despite the salty air, thrive and grow abundantly here. Using Roses as a symbol to create an alternative type of portrait seemed a perfect and level way to represent our neighbourhood. Knocking on doors and chatting on doorsteps, I was rewarded not only with the gift of a rose, but the opportunity to meet incredibly kind, wonderful and fascinating people.Thank you, Roses of Redoubt, here are your portraits."


“You  love the roses, so do I…” from Roses by George Eliot




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