Full Frontal Eastbourne's Back to Nature project aims to help brighten Eastbourne's town centre with art in empty shop windows while also supporting artists by commissioning their work.
In 2020 ten artists were selected to show their work installed across a section of the former Debenhams shop windows facing Terminus Road. In September 2021 works by a further seven artists were added to complete a section of the windows on the Terminus Road frontage. The work includes pieces originally created in a range of media including painting, photography, sculpture, live art, film, video and digital. The artists each receive a fee for their work. Many of the artists had been adversely affected by COVID-19 and an important part of the project is to support artists and the wealth of creative talent in the Eastbourne area. The artists are:
Jennifer Binnie, Rowan Corkill, Elizabeth Doak, Jim Hobbs, Suzanne O'Haire, Katy Oxborrow, Nicholas Pace, Sarah Pager, Vicki Painting, Guyan Porter, Angel Rose, Gallit Shaltiel, Shinewater School, Angela Smith, Isobel Smith, Nick Snelling and Jason Williams